Drywall was delivered today! They used a mini-crane to deposit stacks of drywall into the various rooms, including those on the second floor. It pretty much looked like one of those arcade games where you operate the claw with a joystick to retrieve a prize – only in reverse. Needless to say the the guy that gets to operate the machinery has a pretty sweet gig.
We also had a visit from our rep at 84 Lumber to walk through the house and – get this – walk through the house and decide which way we wanted each of the doors to open. Which side do you want the hinges on? Left? Right? Which way do you want the door to open? In? Out? All the daily details we take for granted, but when you actually have a say in every little decision it can become a bit overwhelming. The Designer in me wants to make sure our home is as user friendly as possible, but in cases like this it's nice to have a Builder-hubby to defer to.